Selfie of Jessica smiling at the camera

How I’m So Dearly Loved by My Family

I was born twenty-two years ago to very loving parents. I struggled socially, with emotional regulation and with my physical coordination as a young child. I also struggled with intense interests, repetitive behaviors, stimming, taking things literally, one sided conversations, making blunt statements without realizing they were hurtful, and making eye contact when I was young. My parents…

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With all the negative stories we hear every day, I wanted to share something I hope makes you smile. I drove with Matthew for the first time. He was in the driver seat, while I was the passenger; what an ironic metaphor for our journey. After gripping the door handle for what seemed like hours,…

Ontario’s First Correctional Facility to Host a Flag-Raising Ceremony
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Ontario’s First Correctional Facility to Host a Flag-Raising Ceremony

April 2, 2016 was World Autism Day. This year, the South West Detention Centre partnered up with Autism Ontario in order to raise awareness. The Autism Ontario mission is to “ensure that each individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder is provided the means to achieve quality of life as a respected member of society. A partnership…

Wizard Mode
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Wizard Mode

WIZARD MODE is the story of Robert Gagno as he rises up the ranks of the international pinball circuit while striving to gain his independence and transcend the label of autism. This is a short film version of the debut feature length documentary of the same name. The Wizard Mode team is raising funds through an…